Saturday, March 21, 2009


Zoe became eight years old yesterday....she had
told us she likes fairies....i do too!
Love the little books about fairies houses....

on my walk this morning i found these for Zoe.
they are wonderful beginnings for fairies

this possibility has a back door....
and it is near the creek...

these little hideaways would be fun to gather items
and decorate for our little friends to visit and rest.

Happy Birthday Zoe!


fishing in the middle of the week is the best!
had a wednesday off so we went out -
try to get there about sunup and this
was our greeting.
the water was as glass - the air and sky soft - just a gentle

can not tell where water and sky meet...

our favorite fishing hole for snapper...we even had a friend
drying his feathers....

i caught the first fish - snook - 3 inches too short - so back
into the water he went.

also caught this little jew fish - protected - so back he went also!

we did manage to catch some snapper and legal they were and

new little friend

on one of our walks in the orange groves this little
abandoned puppy came running through the
tall dry grasses.

could not leave her out there with no houses, water
or i carried her on the rest of our walk
and home. she fell asleep in my arms. i think she
was so relieved to find people she could relax
a little. after an immediate bath to kill all the fleas
she fell asleep and slept through the night.
she ate bo's smushed food and i bought her
some goat milk...loved it. on a full tummy
she has made herself at home.

she follows us matter who is walking past...
away she goes...
loves to chew...anything!
seems to be very alert...does learn quickly...disciplines as well
as can be expected ???

and has even found a little cubby to hide in outside...going to take a
while to eliminate the puddles inside but she has me to train to
allow her outside just in time.

welcome "walker"!