Saturday, May 31, 2008


to plant trees on an island nearby you have to transport the trees to the island...
we saw this boat chugging along with his load.

the red house

i love this red house. it is an old fish house from the days when the fisherman could bring
their catch to this houses for storage on ice and to sell to those on land. the houses are
family owned -there are five along this stretch but this red one is my favorite...every time
we go fishing i get a new photo.

each pelican gets his own perch to rest and dry in the sun!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008


perfect velvet and smooth

morning light

because i leave my home at 3:30am and miss the mornings in the country
i am so thankful for the days i can see this....

Sunday, May 4, 2008

morning walk

my gardenias are many ways can you take photos of a gardenia? can you smell it - wonderful!

a canopy of leaves - love this different than the tall oaks, the leaves spreading in lazy flat branches overhead

Thursday, May 1, 2008

walking in the morning

these little guys are everywhere...i love the combination of colors that God
put together for tiny little lantana

i love these flowers; they will be gardenias when the buds open. they have such
old fashioned elegance...with their velvet petals and fragrance.